Contact Information
Karin Krankel
Assistant Director
Donna J. Neill
Monday through Friday
8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
10:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
12:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Closed on Borough Holidays
The Fair Lawn Senior Center is the site of many diversified activities, events, programs and services for older adults, 60 years and above and their friends and family members who may need advice or guidance. Located on the corner of 11th Street and Gardiner Road, we are ideally located one block from the library and Borough Hall, and is easily accessible to free public transportation.
Mission Statement
We cater to the philosophy of the wellness of ‘Mind – Body – Spirit’ in providing cultural, recreational, educational, health and social activities for adults age 60 and over in the Fair Lawn and the surrounding area. The purpose of the Senior Center is to reaffirm the dignity and value of the older adults in the community by providing an opportunity to participate in a wide variety of activities, share talents and experiences and to socialize with one's peers. Furthermore, it is of the utmost importance for the existence of such Centers to promote an appropriate level of independence, yet to prevent isolation, loneliness and a lack of purpose. Ultimately, we strive to respond to the growing and changing needs of the senior population.
Nutrition Program
The Fair Lawn Senior Center serves a nutritionally balanced, full-course meal Monday through Friday at Noon. The Bergen County Division of Senior Services, whose nutritionist prepares a monthly menu for all participating sites to follow, subsidizes the program. All meals provide 1/3 of the recommended Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs) for older adults. The goal of the nutrition program for active adults is to provide well-balanced meals, foster social interaction and provide access to other supportive services available to local seniors. Family, friends and caregivers to participants are also welcome to join with Senior Center members. There are NO take-out orders available.
- Eligibility: Age 60+
- Fee: Age 60+ … $1.25 Suggested Donation
- Under age 60 … $6.55 Suggested Donation (family, friends, caregivers)
- Time: Time: Check-in by 11:50 am. Once lunch service begins at Noon, everyone must be seated.
- Reservations: At least 24 hours in advance, by noon please.
- Nutrition Registration Form
Meals on Wheels available through Bergen County, Senior Services Division
Senior Center Commercial
Senior Center Re-opening Commercial
There are no dues to be a member at the Fair Lawn Senior Center. To join in, all one has to do is be present and fill out the Senior Center Application. Stop in once and a while or everyday – voila! You have become a participant! Due to the large number of older active adults in the area, we do not have regularly scheduled mailings of current events. We encourage interested individuals to call and set up a tour with one of our trained Ambassadors. You will receive a "Welcome Packet" of current information to introduce you to the Senior Center. Every week we add to our active schedule so feel free to make a point to visit the Center after the first of every month for a new calendar of events and the latest flyers. Or add your email to our monthly E-Newsletter!
Have questions about a particular subject? Call us to book someone authorized to discuss it at a speaking engagement! Want to see a hobby of yours turn into a new activity? Ask us to start up a new weekly or monthly program! Heard of a great trip you would like us to plan and execute? Tell us what you would like and we will work our hardest to make it happen. We always welcome suggestions!
It takes a lot of time and effort to run a successful Senior Center; especially the attention to detail that makes ours stand apart from other Centers and among the best in the area. Volunteerism serves both the donor and recipient. Many people generously volunteer their time to fulfill tasks that help run the Center more smoothly, such as serving our clients (an average of 75) at our daily nutrition lunch program, leading various scheduled programs and activities, teaching classes, decorating the Center for parties and the changing seasons, chaperoning trips, and helping with the upkeep of both our indoor and outdoor plants and flowers. The Center is often called upon by community organizations to process large mailings and our volunteers’ work diligently to accomplish this together in a cooperative manner. Our Volunteer Ambassadors are our fully-trained and hand-picked to give you the best visiting experience!
- Senior Center Calendar - March 2025
- Senior Center Lunch Menu - March 2025
- Senior Center Movies - March 2025
- AARP Driver Safety Course - March 1
- Memory Screenings - March 4
- Fall Prevention Program - March 6, 13, 20, 27, April 3
- Price IT Right - March 20
- Cheer & Chore - March 24
- Take Control of Your Health - March 5,12, 19, 26