Holiday Food Pantry FAQ’s
1. What do you need? We take all non-perishable items but this time of year we look for items such as these: Mashed Potatoes, Stuffing, Turkey Gravy, Broth, Cranberry Sauce, Sweet Potatoes/Yams, Corn, Green Beans, Beets, Peas, Carrots, Potatoes, Nuts, Mushrooms, Honey, Crackers, Flour, Corn Starch, Sugar, Brown Sugar, Vanilla Extract, Baking Soda, Baking Powder, Cooking Oil, Salt, Pepper, Spices (ground cinnamon, whole nutmeg), Vinegar: red wine, balsamic, etc. Milk (boxed, dry, canned), Ice tea mix, Juice, Coffee, Tea, Cake mix, Jell-O, Pudding. Thanksgiving paper goods such as napkins and decorated plates. Also, holiday breakfast items such as pancake mix, syrup & muffin mixes are always an extra special treat. We also accept grocery store gift cards and monetary donations payable to “Fair Lawn Human Services Trust”. Please state “Holiday Pantry Needs” so we can purchase for both Thanksgiving and the Holidays.
2. I’m getting a free turkey. Can I donate it to you? If you have not picked it up yet, can you please get the free lasagna instead? We have a VERY small refrigerator and we can fit more of those. Please deliver those to Room 109 during regular business hours, Monday- Friday, 8:30-4:30pm.
3. I already got the turkey though. You can donate at the following locations: St. Peter the Apostle Church, 431 5th Ave, River Edge, will be collecting turkeys on Saturday, November 18; 9 am - 3 pm. St Leo’s Roman Catholic Church, 324 Market St, Elmwood Park, Mon-Fri 9am-1pm at the Rectory. **If you know of anyone else collecting turkeys please list them below.
4. When do you need the donations by? We make up the Thanksgiving baskets two weeks BEFORE Thanksgiving and the Christmas/Chanukah baskets are completed two weeks BEFORE Christmas. We collect year round though so if you miss those dates please know that your donation will still be used in our regular weekly bags.
5. Where do we bring donations? The Fair Lawn Municipal Building, 8-01 Fair Lawn Avenue. The Food Pantry is in the BASEMENT, you can’t miss our large mural! You can leave non-perishable donations outside the pantry if no one is there. Please bring frozen/fridge items to Room 109!
6. When can we drop off? The building is open Monday-Friday 8:00am to 4:30pm in addition to evening hours when there are public meetings (Council Meetings, Open Space, etc. Refer to the 2019 calendar for dates & times).
7. I’m going to need help/a cart to bring in donations: I cannot assure you that someone will be able to help you bring donations in or if a cart will be available when you arrive (it is VERY busy this time of year). You are welcome to stop by Room 109 to see if we have an empty cart for you to use.
8. Can we arrange a tour of the pantry? Tours are reserved for groups of children or students at this time and must be prearranged by emailing me at
9. Can I receive a thank you note or acknowledgement of my donation? Yes! Please leave a note with the name and address in your donation bag or box asking for a letter or email me at
You are also welcome to send pictures of your group or child to be posted on our Facebook Page!
10. Do you need volunteers to help put away donations? Right now I do not but please send me an email in case I do need help at a later date