Fitness Class Regulations

SAFETY GUIDELINES: In order to operate a safe and enjoyable fitness program the following guidelines are in effect.


Every participant MUST fill out a 1.) Fair Lawn Senior Center Membership Form, and 2.) Health Questionnaire (which must be signed by a Doctor for approval to participate).  Participants are responsible for keeping the information current.  Health Questionnaires must be updated every 3 years.


Attendance sheets will be located in the Kitchenette.   Participants must first sign the appropriate attendance sheet legibly before each class.  There is absolutely NO signing anybody else in other than yourself.  If caught, participant will forfeit the right to take the class.


It is important to arrive on time for class because 1) Warm-up and cool downs are essential parts of the exercise class and beneficial to you and your body, and 2) Walking between other participants to get to the equipment cabinet puts yourself and others at risk for injury. If an early departure is absolutely necessary, please ask a participant nearby to put your equipment away at the end of class. Latecomers will NOT be able to participate.   


If unable to attend the fitness classes due to surgery, injury or extended illness, a doctor’s note must be provided in order to return.


Please do NOT wear any perfume, cologne or scented lotions to class, as the fragrance may affect others breathing.  Coats and bags must be placed on the coat rack.  

It is recommended to bring water to class. 


Classes are limited to 30 people maximum, with the exception of Line Dancing and Ballroom Dance.  Participants will follow the “Fair Lawn First” model, non-residents may participate if there is room.  If the attendance sheet is filled, please wait for the next class.  It is recommended by the American Council on Exercise that older adults should have 30-60 minutes of exercise per day.  Members may only take one class per day.  


If equipment for class is needed, it will be displayed on the Instructor’s chair.  Everyone is responsible for setting up their own equipment.   Participants may bring their own equipment, if you prefer, but it must remain in your possession.  There is absolutely NO “saving spots.”  If caught, participant will forfeit the right to take the class. When class ends, everyone is responsible for returning their equipment, taking their personal items and exit through the back doors.  


Tie and / or Velcro-fastened athletic sneakers MUST be worn for every class.  The following footwear will not be permitted:  slip-on style sneakers, sandals, flip flops, heeled dress shoes, open-toed sneakers or shoes, open-backed sneakers. This does not apply to Core, Tai Chi, Ballroom, and Line Dancing.  

WARNING: Repeat offenders will be considered for suspension.

See monthly calendar for current schedule, subject to change. See back for class descriptions.