Environmental Commission

Mission & Background

Fair Lawn’s Environmental Commission was created in 1982 by the Municipal Ordinance. (Part I, Chapter 2, Article XVIII, Section 2-102). It is charged with the protection, development, and use of natural resources located within the Borough. The volunteer members of our Commission have diverse backgrounds, such as the health professions, environmental sciences, computer science, and life science. All have an arch interest in protecting our natural and physical environment. 

The Role of the Environmental Commission is to:

  • Protect & Improve the environment in the community
  • Through policies, complement state & federal efforts to ensure the protection of air, water, land, wildlife & special protection areas
  • Act as a watchdog in the enforcement of State environmental laws & for contaminated site cleanups
  • Inform & educate residents & act as a conduit between the public & elected officials
  • Provide the Governing Body with a Municipal Environmental Resource Inventory (ERI), public liaison, advise & communication with State & County agencies
  • Help implement preservation & enforcement programs to forestall costly remedial actions
  • Advocate for the acquisition of open space & parks

Fair Lawn Well Field Superfund Site Updates:

Week of September 9, 2024

Week of September 16, 2024

More Updates can be found at: Westmoreland Well Field Updates

2024 Meetings:


Meetings are currently being held on Zoom; the link is below. All meetings are on the first Wednesday of each month at 7:30 pm.

The public is welcome to attend.

January 10th
February 7th
March 6th
April 3rd
May 1st
June 5th
July 3rd
August 7th
September 4th
October 2nd
November 6th
December 4th

**At this time, there are currently no vacancies on the Environmental Commission Board. If interested in becoming a member when there is a vacancy, please fill out the Citizenship Leadership Form **

Meeting Zoom Link: https://www.zoomgov.com/j/1613814183?pwd=QUxscnltOEpmaDZkeVJNaWtjNDJGUT09

Kris Krause, Council Liaison
Wendy Dabney, Chairperson
Joseph Mele, Planning Board Liaison
Carol Wagner, Health Dept. Rep.
Daniel Hauben
David Mangual
Steven Albert
Naira Aslanyan
Niki Morgulis
Michael Gelfand
Bikramjit Singh

Passaic River Coalition Meeting:

The Passaic River Coalition, long an advocate for riverfront communities, is hosting a community gathering of residents from neighboring towns that share the Passaic riverfront along the upper Passaic and invite you to join us on

We want to listen and connect with you now and in the future to learn your concerns about your riverfront and other water challenges facing your community – from river access to river flooding, fishing to rowing, river vistas to riverfront restoration – and how together we may improve our waterways for all of us.

Future Meetings: TBD

Complete Streets Policy


Spotted Lanternflies:

Click HERE to find out more!

Rain Gardens:

Click HERE to find out more!