Rental Information

The Fair Lawn Community Center is available to rent for your corporate event, seminar, meeting, theatrical event (musical, play, film, concert) or other event. We welcome and continue to take both private and corporate bookings for use of our Theater, Atrium Lobby and conference room facilities. For rental information please call the Recreation and Parks Department at (201) 796-6746. 

Requests must be at least 14 days prior to an event request date. Request will be acted upon based upon schedule availability and date of request. Confirmation/denials will be sent by phone or via e-mail.

Facilities are open for use on a scheduled basis: due to limited facilities all request cannot be accommodated. Recreation Superintendent reserves the right to modify or cancel all scheduled events.

All individuals and groups not affiliated with the Borough of Fair Lawn’s Recreation and Parks Department requesting to rent the facility must provide a Certificate of Insurance.

Additional Links

Theater Rental Documents