Local Emergency Planning Committee


The Borough of Fair Lawn Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) which is part of the Office of Emergency Management (OEM) works to understand the hazards in the community, develop emergency plans in case of an accidental release or natural disaster, and looks for ways to prevent accidents. The role of LEPC is to form a partnership between local governments and industries to enhance all-hazards preparedness. The local government is responsible for hazmat planning and response within their jurisdiction and this includes: 

  1. Ensuring the local hazard analysis adequately addresses hazmat incidents; 
  2. Incorporating planning for hazmat incidents into the local emergency management plan and annexes; 
  3. Assessing capabilities and developing hazmat response capability using local resources, mutual aid and contractors; 
  4. Training responders 
  5. Exercising the plan

Industry must be a part of this planning process to ensure facility plans are compatible with local emergency plans. The LEPC is crucial to local hazardous materials planning and community right-to-know programs. Members of the LEPC represent the various organizations, agencies, departments, facilities, and/or other groups within the district. 

Who Can Be A Member?

The membership comes from the local area and should be familiar with factors that affect public safety, the environment, and the economy of the community. In addition to its formal duties, the LEPC serves as a focal point in the community for information and discussions about hazardous substance emergency planning, and health and environmental risks.