<form-template> <fields> <field type="header" subtype="h1" label="Fair Lawn Recycling - litter clean-up registration" class="header"></field> <field type="paragraph" subtype="p" label="Thank you for volunteering to help make Fair lawn a cleaner place. please complete the boxes below and the recycling division will contact you to confirm your registration. By completing this form and registering for the event, you affirm that you will attend the event and will reimburse the Borough all costs if you fail to attend without calling to cancel your RSVP. You can call to cancel at 201-794-5341. Thank you for your cooperation! Each person attending the event MUST complete their own registration. Showing up without registering for the event will result in you not being able to participate. " class="paragraph"></field> <field type="text" subtype="text" required="true" label="Volunteer's name" class="form-control text-input" name="text-1702480494738"></field> <field type="text" subtype="text" required="true" label="Address" class="form-control text-input" name="text-1702480530231"></field> <field type="textarea" required="true" label="Phone Number (xxx) xxx-xxx " class="form-control text-area" name="textarea-1710164283018"></field> <field type="text" subtype="email" required="true" label="E-Mail Address" class="form-control text-input" name="text-1702480551038"></field> <field type="text" subtype="text" required="true" label="Age (Under 16 requires a parent / guardian to attend the event)" class="form-control text-input" name="text-1702480934444"></field> <field type="checkbox-group" required="true" label="Select the event(s) you wish to attend" class="checkbox-group" name="checkbox-group-1712338661700"> <option value="April 26th" selected="true">Saturday, April 26, 2025</option> <option value="May 17th">Saturday, May 17, 2025</option> <option value="June 14th">Saturday, June 14, 2025</option> <option value="September 13th">Saturday, September 13, 2025</option> </field> </fields> </form-template> Submit Submitting...